L.D.A. Document Services
While we specialize in Wills and Trusts, we offer many related document services that tend to be very affordable, starting at only $19.95.

Common Document Requests
Authorization for International Travel with Minor
Authorization for Minor’s Medical Treatment
Authorization for to Drive a Motor Vehicle
Child Care Agreement
Child Care Instructions
Elder Care Agreement
Pet Care Agreement
Housekeeping Services Agreement
House-sitting Instructions
Request for Birth Certificate
Notice to Put Name on Do Not Call List
Subscription or Membership Cancellation Form
Temporary Guardianship
Authorization for Care of Minor
ESTATE Document Services
Did you know that some property such as joint bank accounts, insurance proceeds, 401ks, and other financial investments may be given to your designated beneficiary and avoid probate?
Living Trust
what is included:
Living Trust
Pour-Over Will
Minor’s Power of Attorney
Minor’s Health Care Power
General Power of Attorney
Health Care Directive
Final Disposition Instructions
Will with Powers
what is included:
Last Will and Testament
Power of Attorney
Advance Directives for Health Card
Final Disposition
Minor’s Power of Attorney
Minor’s Health Care Directive
Powers for a Couple
what is included:
Durable Power of Attorney
Medical Power of Attorney
Advance Health Care Directive
Final Disposition