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Wills, Trusts, Powers and more...

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In the world of trusts, there are many different choices.

You may set up your revocable trust to play out in different ways. You may choose to have your revocable trust end upon your death, and then have the assets distributed to your beneficiaries. You may also set it up so that when you pass away, that trust automatically creates irrevocable trusts that continue for different people.

Living Trust Bundle

What's Included:

  1. California Revocable Living Trust 

  2. Schedule of Assets 

  3. Pour Over Will 

  4. Nomination of Guardians 

  5. Durable Power of Attorney 

  6. Financial Power of Attorney

  7. Advanced Health Care Directive 

  8. HIPAA Release 

  9. Certified Extract of Trust/Certification of Trust

  10. Deed 

  11. Transfer Letters 

  12. Change of Beneficiary Forms

  13. Instruction Letter 

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Prepare your Financial Information

​Create a personal balance sheet. Make a listing or spreadsheet of your assets, their market values, any debts against them, the resulting net values, and how they are titled. Gather the actual deeds and statements so your attorney can see them.

Include your home and any other real estate; other titled property such as a car or boat; bank accounts; interest-bearing accounts (savings, money market, CDs); stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment accounts; retirement savings including profit sharing, IRAs and pension plans; business and partnership interests; life insurance policies and annuities; receivables (people who owe you money); items of special value such as coin collections, antiques, artwork, jewelry; an estimate of your personal property; and a listing of all debts other than those connected to the assets listed above (credit cards, personal loans, unsecured lines of credit).

Be honest about this. We can only plan with the information you provide. If you provide incomplete information, you will have an incomplete plan.



A living will is a written record of the type of medical care you would want in specific circumstances. It can be used to make treatment decisions if you can no longer communicate your wishes because you are incapacitated by a temporary or permanent injury or illness. A living will can serve as a valuable guide for your family, health care providers, and other representatives if they have to make medical decisions on your behalf.


A living trust is a legal document that places some or all of your assets in the control of a trust during your lifetime. You continue to be able to use the assets, for example, you would live in and maintain a home that is placed in trust.


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A last will and power of attorney are powerful and important documents that provide you with peace of mind and protect your family.  A last will and power of attorney are important parts of any estate plan and can provide a great many protections as you plan for the future.


Your Durable Power of Attorney is different than a limited Power of Attorney.  While a very specific Limited Power of Attorney may allow you to get help selling property or making a bank deposit, the Durable Power of Attorney for Finances, has a very broad scope.  At, as we help you prepare your Durable Power of Attorney for Finances, your AIF, or attorney-in-fact, will be able to help you with many tasks, ranging from managing your investments to helping you with your mail.

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Revocable Trust

  • Living Trust or Will: the main document in the plan that governs how assets are to be distributed upon your death (and managed in the event of your incapacity, if a trust).

  • Pour-Over Will(s) (only provided with Estate Plans that include a Trust): a back-up plan to the trust that covers any assets that have not been funded into the trust during your lifetime – it instructs the probate court to put these assets into your trust after you pass. 

  • Durable Powers of Attorney: financial power of attorney where you will nominate who can make legal decisions for you in the event you become incapacitated. 

  • Advance Healthcare Directive(s): medical power of attorney where you will nominate who can make medical decisions for you in the event you become incapacitated. 

  • HIPAA Authorization Form(s): enables your medical power of attorney to receive and disclose your private medical information. 

  • Nomination of Guardians for Minor Children (if applicable): who you assign to be the guardian of your children when you pass. 

  • Certificate Of Trust: a two-page document that proves you have a trust. 

  • Trustee’s Affidavit: documents to be presented to interested third parties instead of presenting the actual trust itself. 

  • Personal Property Memorandum(s): a fill in form where you can distribute specific tangible personal property to specific people. If left uncompleted, the tangible personal property will split equally amongst your beneficiaries. 

  • Schedule of Assets: Typically attached to the trust but sometimes separate  

  • Deed: Sometimes you need a Quit-claim, other times a Grant Deed, and on occasion both. 

  • Funding Instructions: instructions on how to fund various assets going forward.

  • Other possible additions may be DMV vehicle transfer documents if you have high-value vehicles that you choose to place into the Trust. 

  • Motorhomes: if it is a primary residence and you wish to put it into the Trust.

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